The purpose of the Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Planning Committee is to perform a pilot review test on all proposed CNE courses prior to making them available to potential participants, to document time for awarding of nursing contact hours and to ensure appropriateness for CNE as recommended by standards set by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for continuing nursing education.
Under the direction of the Lead Nurse Planner and Provider Unit Director, committee members will review proposed CNE courses for appropriateness, take post-tests to ensure answers can be located in course and are accurate prior to offering, document the time it takes to complete the activity, advise of any discrepancies between written material and test questions and answers and participate in occasional conference calls during the CNE course planning process to discuss to appropriateness of course for CNE as recommended by standards set by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for continuing nursing education.
Committee Member Benefit
Committee members may earn complimentary CNE credits for completing assignments within established guidelines and timelines.
CNE Course Planning Tools
Faculty Directed CNE Activities
A Faculty Directed CNE Activity involves participant physical attendance at a scheduled time and date, such as seminars, workshops, lecture series, journal clubs, conventions or other educational events. Specific activity development tools can be found in the Faculty Directed CNE Activity Section on this website.
Independent CNE Study Activity
An Independent CNE Study Activity which is designed for completion by learners, independently, at the learners’ own pace and at a time of the learners’ choice. The content is designed and tested through a pilot study or other method to determine the amount of credit to be awarded. Examples of independent study include: viewing webinars, listening to audio tapes, reading selected article(s) and completing pre and/or post tests, accessing computer on-line activities. Specific activity development tools can be found in the Independent CNE Study Activity Section on this website.
Contacting the Provider Unit
National Healthcare Institute
CNE Provider Unit
c/o Daniel L. Campos, MSN, RN, CNOR, RNFA
Lead Nurse Planner / Provider Unit Director
P.O. Box 140214
Coral Gables, FL 33114
Toll free: 1.888.644.5562
Fax: 786.358.6098
Email: dcampos@nhinstitute.com